
Once lived a charmful little girl who cared about nothing. She had a very happy family to surround herself with. Comfortable, smiling always and carefree. She had not a single thing to complain or worry about. She would only think of how she could sustain the happiness and her hopes were so high that she thought herself as a great prophet. She believed time will always bend to make her even happier. For her life was so much easier to live than to worry about things that we can’t afford. She would impress and spread cherishments everyone around her.
She could dance, sing, recite poems, soothe people when needed and also she knew what people needed. She would give them that if it was a positive addition to their beautiful lives. Her dad treated her like a princess. Her mom was the one woman on Earth that she could not beat in terms of gorgeousness. Her brother was the one guy she would never dare leave.

Does it always have to be like this. Nature is so unpredictable and daring. It always makes the wrong guesses and gives a shock all of a sudden. It made sure water was two-thirds on Earth so that it could eat up people whenever it wanted to. It gave whatever the man needed,never showing any caution of danger. It always stays calm and devours into the shear silence and breaks it with a great loud bang.

Her so called prophecy failed when she loved him. She would do anything for him and that was the kind of love she dreamt of giving and she did it. But in return she got only utter disappointments.

Pausing and looking on his life. Only nature is left to blame.He lives in a very poor family. All that the family could think of was to find a way to feed the people in there at least once a day. Hard working dad, sacrificial mom, worrisome siblings. He had one thing in his mind. Ambition to make the world turn around him. He thought he belonged to none and only he himself can stop from what he is aiming at. He would work day and night, save pennies, study rigorously, eat less, work like an ant and he never felt tired. He had dreams in his mind. Nothing more, nothing less.

They met at this place called “co-incidence”. His ambition to become a world class business man made him meet her at his company where she comes in for interview. He liked her for the very same thing that made people around her admire. She never saw a person like him. For the way he carried himself and productively doing things. He selected her for the “personal assistant” post and she thought her life had just began.

Few years later, she became the CEO of the company. He had various other businesses to run. She could never get her happiness back. He always went out and lived his dream. She stayed at office and run back home to those furniture, large home theatre and cold air-conditioned rooms. They slept in their dreams never crossing each others. He felt a loss of belonging and she felt a large void.

Years passed by with wealth pouring in, children growing up to great socially respectable people and settling in their lives. He on the other hand had developed a huge deterioration in his health and mind. She had made herself miserable at taking care of things around her.

One night, he told her” Tonight I am gonna sleep beside you. Is that ok?” She felt shocked but nodded a weird yes. They slept on the terrace and it was a breezy night. The most romantic night that any couple could dream of. The shining sky with stars glooming with such great sight, he told her in husky voice.”Hey, I love you.” Tears rolled down his dry, rugged skin.

When he said that he felt a sense of satisfaction in him that overlapped all his previous endeavors and achievements in his life. She did not utter a word and she gave a gentle kiss to his fore head. The next day, he passed away. Her void expanded and devoured her. The family of theirs lived happily separately without company.

He started well, she began nice. He lived ambitiously, she lived caringly. He felt a loss of belonging and she felt a loss of liveliness.

The grandson of this couple came to know all these when his grandma gave him her diary and said, ” This life is a lesson for you. Learn from it.” After years, he lived on Earth with one thing in mind ,”Love is the liberty to life and life is the excuse to love.”

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